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Ignition Interlock Devices

An ignition interlock device (IID) is a slightly larger than a cell phone which is wired to a car's ignition. The device can be installed in a car while you wait. After installation, an IID requires a breath sample before the car's engine will start. If the IID detects alcohol on a person's breath, the engine will not start.

As well, a driver will be periodically required to provide breath samples to ensure no alcohol has been consumed while driving. The International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety has concluded that an IID, when combined with comprehensive monitoring and service of the device leads to a 40-95% reduction in repeat drunk driving offenses among DUI offenders as long as the IID remains on the vehicle.

Court Ordered IID Restriction

When a California court orders use of an IID, the owner of the car must have it installed by an authorized installer and provide proof of the installation to the court. The court has special forms and procedures to monitor drivers ordered to have the IID device installed. After the court notifies the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), DMV flags your record so law enforcement officers are aware of the IID requirement if stopped. DMV will also place a IID restriction on the driver's license. If the driver fails to comply with a court-ordered IID restriction, the DMV will be notified and driving privileges will be suspended until compliance with the court order occurs.

DMV Ordered IID Restriction

DMV imposes an IID restriction on the driving privilege of a person convicted of driving with a suspended or revoked license following a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction pursuant to Vehicle Code (VC) §§14601.2, 14601.4, or 14601.5.

This restriction does not allow a person to drive without a valid driver license.

The driver must submit either the Department of Motor Vehicles Ordered Verification of Ignition Interlock (DL 924) form or the Exemption For Ignition Interlock Device (DL 4054B) form to the DMV within 30 days from the mail date of the Order of Installment of An Ignition Interlock Device (DL 4054A) form.

Shortened License Suspension/Revocation

If you have been convicted of a second or subsequent DUI violation and have completed at least 1 year of your DUI suspension/revocation you may qualify for a restricted license if you meet these requirements.

  • Install an IID on your vehicle and provide DMV with a "Verification of Installation" (DL 920) form.
  • Clear all other outstanding suspensions/revocations on your driving record.
  • Comply with a drinking driver program's requirements and have the program provider submit either a Proof of Enrollment form (DL 107) or Notice of Completion form (DL 101) to DMV (whichever applies to your case).
  • Submit an SR 22 form establishing proof of financial responsibility issued by your auto insurance company to DMV.
  • Pay all required fees, including the $15 IID restriction fee.

In addition, effective July 1, 2010, legislation allows a shorter suspension/revocation period for a second or third DUI offender to install an IID and receive an IID restricted license after a mandatory suspension/revocation period, if the most recent violation of VC §23152 occurred on or after July 1, 2010, and did not involve the use of drugs:

  • Second DUI Offenders — whose violation involved alcohol only may reinstate after a 90-day suspension with proof of enrollment in a DUI program.
  • Third DUI Offenders — whose violation involved alcohol only may reinstate after a 6-month revocation with proof of enrollment in an 18 or 30-month DUI program.

All required forms and fees may be submitted to any local Department of Motor Vehicles office or mailed to: DMV, Mail Station J233, P.O. Box 942890, Sacramento, CA 94290-0001.

NOTE: Call DMV at (916) 657-6525 for eligibility or an IID provider.

Ignition Interlock Device Pilot Program

Effective July 1, 2010, legislation requires DMV to conduct an IID pilot program. The program requires all persons convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) under VC §§23152 or 23153, or Penal Code (PC) §191.5(b), in one of the four pilot counties (Alameda, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and Tulare) to install a certified IID on each vehicle that he/she owns or operates.

The requirement for participation in the pilot program is determined by the county in which the violation occurred; not the residence of the driver. Individuals who do not own or have access to a vehicle can request an exemption from the IID installation, by completing and returning the Exemption For Ignition Interlock Device (DL 4055B) form within 30 days of receiving notice from DMV regarding the IID requirement.

Individuals who qualify for an exemption are not required to provide proof of IID installation. However, the IID restriction will still be imposed for the required term. The driver acknowledges this restriction by submitting the exemption request that he/she can only operate a vehicle equipped with an IID.

IID Providers

You may access a list of IID manufacturers at the website below:


Calibration and Monitoring

Once installed in your vehicle, the IID must be calibrated and inspected by a certified installer at intervals not to exceed 60 days. The inspections make sure the device is working properly and that no violations have been logged. Drivers who do not comply with IID requirements are reported to the court or to DMV (whichever applies) and may have their driving privilege suspended or revoked.

If a person with an optional DMV IID or court-IID restriction attempts to remove, tamper with, bypass, or fails three or more times to comply with any requirement for the maintenance or calibration of the IID, DMV will immediately suspend or revoke the person's driving privilege for the remaining period of the original suspension or revocation, and until all reinstatement requirements are met.

Installation and Monitoring Fees

IID installation and monitoring fees vary among companies and may depend on your location. Call the listed companies for price quotes.

Why Choose Our Firm?

Attorney Robert Tayac Puts a Long, Decorated Career to Work for You
  • Puts Over 20 Years of Experience Toward Your Case

  • Specialized Education in DUI Defense

  • Has Trained Other Attorneys in San Francisco

  • Former San Francisco Police Officer & Police Inspector

  • Certified by the SFPD on the Intoxilyzer 5000 Testing Device

  • Co-Authored the 4th Edition of California Drunk Driving Defense

  • Boasts a Successful Record Achieving the Best Result for His Clients

  • Takes the Time to Understand You & Your Case

Client Testimonials

  • “It was a pleasure working with you and the firm.”


  • “If you have a "must win," "zero sum" case and are willing to pay for his services, Robert Tayac may just be the very best DUI trial lawyer in Northern California.”


  • “He's professional, honors his promises, and gets excellent results for all his clients.”


  • “I will always be eternally grateful for your help and extreme kindness.”

    T., Captain of Police

  • “Very professional and has a great human element that many lawyers don't have.”

    Former Client

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