Title 16, California Code of Regulations, Section 1447
Criteria for Admission
An applicant shall meet the following criteria for admission to the program:(a) Is a registered nurse licensed in this state.
(b) Resides in California.
(c) Is mentally ill or abuses alcohol and/or drugs in a manner which may affect the applicant's ability to safely perform the duties of a registered nurse.
(d) Voluntarily requests admission to the program.
(e) Agrees to undergo reasonable medical and/or psychiatric examinations necessary for evaluation for participation in the program.
(f) Cooperates by providing such medical information, disclosure authorizations and releases of liability as may be requested by the committee.
(g) Agrees in writing to comply with all elements of the diversion program.
(h) Has not had her/his license previously disciplined by the Board for substance abuse or mental illness.
(i) Has not been terminated from this or any other diversion program for non-compliance.
Authority cited: Sections 2715 and 2770.7, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Section 2770.7, Business and Professions Code.